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St. Johns Place

The area near the park and Grand Army Plaza has some beautiful architecture.  I think this block near 7th Av lost some trees in the tornado last year, but it's still gorgeous.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hey, that's my block! :) I do heart it so. Lovely shot. Happy to find your corner of the web - going to enjoy exploring :)

August 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFellow Slope-shooter

PS - not sure if you are interested in extra collaborators/contributors/whatever, but I shot a bunch of post-Hurricane!Irene! pics on Sunday. Take a look here, if you feel like it -

(If I am being impertinent by posting a link in the comments, I apologize, and please feel free to remove.)

August 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFellow Slope-shooter

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